Minor League
Minors Division
Recommended for ball players ages 9-10. Players build and refine their fundamental skills while beginning to understand game strategy and teamwork. Played under the Modified Official Baseball Rules which includes base running, runs per inning, no dropped third strike and no infield fly. In many regions, participants first experience post-season tournament competition at this level, leading to the 10-year-old World Series.
Each team consists of approximately 12 players and uses a continuous batting order. Every player must play a minimum of 2 innings in the field. Attending all practices is extremely important so players form a cohesive team and improve their individual & team skills. The Minor League Division is a semi-competitive, instructional league focusing on developing baseball skills.
Evaluation and Draft Process:
Parents are encouraged to inform Coastal Cape Baseball as to their child’s willingness to play in either Minors or Rookie. Only those players willing and selected via a draft by Minor League Coaches will be rostered on Minor League Teams
- Prospective Minor Leaguers must attend the evaluations held each year in March. At these evaluations, player’s skills will be evaluated by experienced baseball evaluators who are Non-Minor League Head Coaches
- The Minor League draft pool is assembled from this evaluation and provided to each Minor League Head Coach. On draft night, Coaches will draft players until all eligible players have been drafted. If teams still have roster spots available, younger players may be drafted to fill those remaining roster spots, provided they attended the Evaluation Day and have stated their willingness to play Minors
- Siblings, if selected, are automatically placed on the same team
- All undrafted players aged 7-8 will enter the Rookie League and will be assigned to a team by the Coaches and Rookie Division Director
2025 Spring Registration is open
*registration closes 2/28/25